Effective Performance Management & Lawful Terminations


Course Description

This course will provide managers with best practices on how to manage underperforming employees while positioning the organization for a lawful termination, if needed. This session will cover the end-to-end performance management process starting with coaching conversations all the way through the termination meeting. Participants will learn:

  •   When and how to hold a performance coaching conversation
  •   Effective performance management methods
  •   How to prepare for a lawful termination
  •   The importance of documentation

Downloadable Reference Materials:

  • Key Takeaways
  • Sample Corrective Action Form
  • Quick Skill Builder Video – how to fill out a corrective action form
  • Sample Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Template
  • Quick Skill Builder Video – how to write a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
  • Involuntary Separation Checklist
  • Quick Skill Builder Video – how to conduct a termination meeting

Who Should Attend:

  •   Newly promoted leaders
  •   Leaders looking for a refresh on performance management best practices
  •   Employees being groomed for a leadership position