Course Description
This course will provide managers with an in-depth understanding of the anti-harassment laws that guide our country. We will review the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act which includes legal obligations to prevent discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and retaliation in the workplace. We will discuss the responsibilities for managers (“duty to act”), how to identify unlawful behaviors and how to respond to complaints along with several case studies to help managers avoid making innocent mistakes that lead to costly claims. Participants will learn:
- An in-depth understanding the anti-harassment laws in our country
- The legal definitions of harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation
- The difference between bullying and harassment
- How to respond to employee complaints
- Top 5 mistakes managers make
- The responsibilities of managers under Title VII (known as the “duty to act”)
Downloadable Reference Materials:
- Key Takeaways
- Quick Skill Builder Video – how to address inappropriate employee behavior
Who Should Attend:
- Newly promoted leaders
- Leaders looking for a refresh on anti-harassment laws and manager responsibilities
- Employees being groomed for a leadership position